Weilian Li

Associate Professor | GISer & Cartographer


Faculty of Geosciences and Engineering

Southwest Jiaotong University

Xi'an road 999, 611756 Chengdu, China

Hello, thanks for visiting my homepage!:clap::clap::clap:

I am Weilian Li, working in the Faculty of Geosciences and Engineering at Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China. I received my Ph.D. in Geomatics Science and Technology at Southwest Jiaotong University, China, in December 2020. Then, I finished my postdoc research stay in the Geoinformation Group chaired by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan-Henrik Haunert at the University of Bonn, Germany, in October 2023. Additionally, I had one year stay as a Senior Research Associate in the Computational Methods Lab led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Youness Dehbi at the HafenCity University Hamburg, Germany.

My research primarily focuses on the application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in disaster management, but also methodological expertise in Machine Learning. I have a strong interest in topics related to smart cities, disaster management, and digital twins.

Additionally, I hold the position of Topic Editor at the journal Big Earth Data and actively contribute to the GIS community as the secretary of the ISPRS ICWG III/IVa on Disaster Management and representative of the UN-GGIM Academic Network.


Nov 27, 2024 I am glad that the bachelor thesis edtitled “Bidirectional Enrichment of OSM and CityGML for Safety Assessment of Cycling Routes” by Jannik Matijevic, supervised by myself, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Youness Dehbi, and Dr. Christof Beil, won the 2nd place in the Workshop 3D-Stadtmodelle.:tada::tada::tada:.
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Aug 12, 2024 I’m pleased that our article entitled “Informed sampling and recommendation of cycling routes: leveraging crowd-sourced trajectories with weighted-latent Dirichlet allocation” has been accepted for publication by the International Journal of Geographical Information Science:tada::tada::tada:.

Selected Publications

  1. li2024informed.jpg
    Informed sampling and recommendation of cycling routes: leveraging crowd-sourced trajectories with weighted-latent Dirichlet allocation
    Weilian Li, Jan-Henrik Haunert, Axel Forsch, and 3 more authors
    International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2024
  2. li2024visual.jpg
    Visual attention-guided augmented representation of geographic scenes: a case of bridge stress visualization
    Weilian Li, Jun Zhu, Qing Zhu, and 3 more authors
    International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2024
  3. li2021augmented.jpg
    An augmented representation method of debris flow scenes to improve public perception
    Weilian Li, Jun Zhu, Lin Fu, and 3 more authors
    International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2021
  4. li2023Social.jpg
    Social media insights on public perception and sentiment during and after disasters: The European floods in 2021 as a case study
    Weilian Li, Jan-Henrik Haunert, Julius Knechtel, and 3 more authors
    Transactions in GIS, 2023
  5. li2022Flood process.png
    Three-dimensional virtual representation for the whole process of dam-break floods from a geospatial storytelling perspective
    Weilian Li, Jun Zhu, Jan-Henrik Haunert, and 3 more authors
    International Journal of Digital Earth, 2022